Sunday, November 20, 2016

1 Week!

Seven more days until I fly home, this is bitter sweet. It's hard to believe three months have flown by so quickly.  I have been and am trying to pack as much as I can in these last few days.

We went to the beach on our off day.

Monkeys tried to take our lunch. Little stinkers came in a packs!

Oh you know just totally normal, eating candy canes in November on our way to the beach, where it was 80 degrees.
My sweet friend and I spent a lovely morning walking around San Fransisco.

Starting tomorrow, I'll have a very full last week with teaching Bible Study, getting last minute gifts, Thanksgiving and saying goodbyes.

Productive last few weeks - completed memorizing Proverbs 31 with our small group, finished reading an assigned book, etc.
Being brave - I now enjoy walking to local stores, rather than dreading it.
Spanish - I went to a bread store and bought bread without any problem.

Transitioning back to the States - this are always really hard for me.
Flights - I fly back on one of the busiest days of the year, yikes! Please pray that I make my layover on time.
Teaching on Tuesday - I'll wrap up our study on Ruth this Tuesday in our small group.


Monday, November 7, 2016

ESL & Friendships

On Saturday we went back to Frailes for our last ESL class. Things have gone really well; we had a good number of people attend and express intrest in learning. These few classes were simply a test run, the plan is to continue with regular classes in January. I'm thankful to have been a part and look forward to how the Lord uses this in the future.

Playing Tic Tac Toe and practicing pronunciation

Playing the Name Game

Caleb and Jociel 

Jon teaching the Bible lesson

On Thursday I had a wonderful time with my sister in Christ, Brittany, and on Friday I spent the evening with another sister, Kimia. Both of these women have been such a blessing. They encourage me to be more like Christ and to stand boldly in the face of adversity. 

Brittany and I at the mall

Dinner with Kimia, Chicken and vegetables

A good response to ESL
A productive week
Went to a local restaurant by myself and tried to order a coffee but left with two milkshakes. Haha. The praise is that I went by myself and tried to speak Spanish (& ended up with 2 milkshakes) :-)

Preparation for heading home
Where to invest my time for the short amount I have left