Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Summer Update

Summer is quickly coming to a close, before we know it August will be here and the students will be back in school.

What the Lord is teaching me:
Thankfullness is the number one lesson God is teaching me. I have so much to thank Him for. Even now as I write this my silly dad is singing about the house while he and mom get ready for a night out with thier friends (thus I am thankful for his silly singing, for my relationship with my parents, friends they enjoy). As simple as this may sound I am learning to be greatful in the small things. For this natually born pessimist this lesson can be difficult yet very enjoyable too. Life has become filled with lots of little blessings and beautiful gifts as "I realize it is not God who is in my debt but I who am in His great debt, then doesn't all become a gift? For He might not have" (a quote from the book 1000 Gifts).

Now for all the fun stuff (pictures/videos):

Summer Camp was a blast, espeically watching our students grow in their relationship with the Lord.

 JJ Weeks did a wondful job of leading us in worship

water day!!!!

high school girls!

High school girls dominated rec
Middle school boys attacking each other with water to the face

High school boys working as a team to complete a challenge

Sleepy students after a full week of camp

Please click this link to watch a commerical we made for Messy Night, aka the biggest food fight ever!!!!!

VBS this past week was a HIT! We had lots of little ones come to know Christ as their Lord.
God has provided for my mission trip
That the Lord will continue the work He started in the hearts of our students at camp

Prayer Request:
For the team of us who will be going to Costa Rica starting July 31-Aug 9 (more details to come).
Pray for our Student Ministry Pastors as they try to rebuild and create a thriving ministry.
That I will grow in thankfullness, humility, and patience as I wait on the Lord to direct my steps (so maybe direction/guidance too).