Saturday, April 18, 2015

February / March Update

First, let me start by apologizing for not posting sooner, (I am learning how to manage time in the adult world... and am not exactly the best).

So, the other week someone asked how I like adulthood? Wittily, I replied "I don't." Friend, allow me to be very honest; this is one of the hardest transitions I have ever made. It is far from easy but I look to the Cross for comfort, assurance, guidance and truth like I have never before. As Rend Collective says in their song My Lighthouse "You are the peace in my trouble seas." Oh how I need the Lord. Paul once said "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst." But I give him quite the competition for that spot. It is hard to learn how much we sin and how we cannot sufficiently save ourselves, but we need to know how small we are because, if we are BIG then God will be small in our eyes. But if He is BIG then we will be small. Personally, I'm very thankful for this lesson because it means that God is in His proper position, on His throne, and by His grace I worship before Him.

Here are a few pictures of what has been happening in the ministry:
Senior Ski Retreat was amazing

Then we had the honor of hosting the Student Life Conference with Rush of Fools as worship leaders.

8 of our student surrendered their lives to the Lord! Praise HIM!
Next was Leadership Training, to which we had a wonderful turn out.

I cannot wait to see what the future holds with these sweet people

Lastly, we have several more events coming up in the next few weeks such as, Paintball, Leadership Appreciation Dinner, an All night'er, and Camp; just to list a few. This means my schedule will pick up and I do not believe things will slow down until July or September but I like the fast pace, most of the time.  :)

Prayer request:
Please pray for Godly friends, especially women who can pour into me.
Please join me in asking the Lord for a roommate and an affordable appartment.
Lastly, please pray for the students, pray that the Lord will get a hold of their lives and use them in powerful ways in their communities.

Thank you for your love and support. The Lord has truly blessed me by our prayers.