Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Costa Rica!!!!

Hola Amigos!

I have a wonderful opportunity to participate in a short term mission internship this fall.  I will be serving in San Jose, Costa Rica with the mission organization ABWE International.  I leave on September 1, 2016 and return on November 27.   

I believe that God has been leading me toward missions since I was in the youth group at Calvary Church.  Every year Calvary hosts a mission conference for a week.  Attending these conferences each year, I began to meet our missionary families and hear their stories.  Later, I studied at Columbia International University which is very mission minded. I also spent the summer of 2013 in Peru working at an orphanage. These played a major role in giving me a heart to see the nations reached with the gospel.

In August of 2015, I went on a short-term mission trip to Costa Rica; there I met Jon and Joni McGinnis. I felt a bond with their family and with what the Lord is doing in Costa Rica. In March of 2016 they came to the Calvary mission conference and asked if I would consider coming back to Costa Rica to work with them long-term. After much prayer and consideration I have decided to join their team as a missionary. Before joining them full time, I will be taking at three month assignment to get a better look at ministry in Costa Rica. During these three months I will work alongside Jon and Joni as well as local pastors and their wives. I will also disciple young women, help with visiting teams, serve in the local church and develop the internship program. This is an exciting chance for me to experience what it is like to live and minister in Costa Rica.

I will live near the McGinnis Family.  I will share and apartment with a young missionary near San Francisco, Costa Rica, a suburb of the Capitol San José. This will force me to learn the language, how to buy foods, how to navigate the city and how to live on my own.
I believe there are two essential parts in a ministry partnership; those who go and those who support. Those who support are the backbone of the ministry, the prayer warriors and the givers. Without them, no ministry would ever take place. They are needed to help support ministry, like the spine supports the body.  My short time on staff at Calvary Church has shown me the importance of prayer warriors and givers.  So, please keep me in your prayers daily as I begin this journey.  I am blessed that Calvary Church, where I am currently on staff, has so graciously offered to pay my salary for those three months. This will cover most of my expenses; however, I still need $2,500. 

This internship is just the beginning. I plan to return to Costa Rica and join the McGinnis’s team long-term, we hope by November of 2017. However, a lot must happen before that time. I will need to raise $3,400 for monthly support which will cover housing, insurance and ministry expenses. Also, a onetime amount of approximately $36,000 which will cover shipping cost, buying a vehicle, language school and so on. Would you consider partnering with me in this work of the Gospel? I hope you will follow me on this journey through my blog at barefootbekah.blogspot.com

You may give online atabwe.org/give by inserting my name in the subject line. If you will commit to pray for me please send an email to bekah.turbeville@gmail.com.

Thank you for taking time to read this blog post. I hope the Lord grows you in your relationship with Him.

Your friend,
Bekah Turbeville