Tuesday, August 26, 2014

OLD School

Many have asked "So what's next?" Well, here is the great thing about not having any ties, I can pick up and go when/wherever the Lord calls. Currently He has led me to the Outdoor Leadership and Discipleship School (also known as: OLD School). This program is one of the 3 main facets of Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters (summer camp, missions camp and OLD School). OLD School "is a semester-long wilderness program designed for college-age students who know Christ and desire to go deeper in their relationship with Him. Their mission is to point young adults toward Christ Jesus, using the tool of wilderness training and the vehicle of relational discipleship. Through 16 weeks of wilderness immersion, OLD School students experience a variety of courses, including backpacking, multi-pitch rock climbing, caving, mountain biking, sea kayaking, serving at a Honduran orphanage, and more. Students will also earn certifications in Whitewater Rescue, Wilderness First Responder, and Leave No Trace."(OLD School description)

There are approximately 10-12 students with several proctors who lead each section and 2 proctors will go with us on every section. We will be gone from September to December with a day or so in between each section and a break for Thanksgiving.
Here is a tentative scheduled:
  • September 9: Students arrive
  • September 10-11: Class & preparation
  • September 12-25: Backpacking section
  • September 27 – October 5: Nantahala river training & Swiftwater Rescue Training (SRT) section
  • October 6-16: Rock climbing and mountain biking section
  • October 19-29: Caving and primitive skills section
  • November 1-9: Wilderness First Responder (WFR) class section
  • November 11-19: Sea kayaking section
  • November 24 – December 2: Thanksgiving break
  • December 2: Student prep day
  • December 3-11: Honduras section
  • December 12: Graduation banquet
In addition, we are each assigned a book to read (mine: Crazy Love by Francis Chan) and a teaching assignment for the semester; I am to teach on: What happens to people who have never heard the Gospel? At the moment I have no boundaries as to how I can research this question. SO... if you have any recommendations for resources or any advice/tips please send them my way (bekah.turbeville@gmail.com).

I so look forward to spending fall outside enjoying all the Lord has created and growing deeper in my adoration of Him. Would you please join me in praying for this semester, in addition to the 6,000 dollars I need to pay for it. Who knows where it will come from but I'm sure the Lord has a plan. If you would like to make a donation please make checks with my name/old school on the memo, then mail it: SWO/ Attn Amanda Potter 75 Mae Johnson Way Andrews NC 28901. Or if you would like to make a payment through paypal please make it to thebird@swoutfitters.com and put my name in the memo/notes section of the transaction. (These payments will not be tax deductible).

Lastly, please pray for where the Lord will lead me after OLD School. Thank you all very much for your wonderful support and prayers thought out the years. I couldn't have made it this far without each of you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Home at Last

After 13 weeks of being gone (2 for training, 10 for camp & 1 caring for my grandpa), it is nice to finally be home. My time at Snowbird was a wonderful experience and a place where the Lord taught me so much.

Being trained at the Climbing Tower

1. Grace: As I mentioned before this summer I studied Romans 5 & 6 (mainly 5). God used this passage to teach me that grace cannot be earned nor rejected. Grace is something that is freely given and we often have no choice but to accepted it.

2. Humility: These lessons are never easy to learn however they are often the most beneficial. The Lord taught me to come to Him with open hands when I speak. Words can damage or heal, bring grief or joy. It all depends on how you use them. And sometimes they aren't needed.

3. Perseverance: This was probably the hardest because it means learning to fully depend upon God. Many times through out the summer I found myself looking forward to the end so I could rest and do a better job at fighting this war on sin. In those moments I had to learn dependance upon God to help me keep fighting.

One of my favorite groups this summer

My one regret is not being joyful. It seemed easier to be prideful in my service and act as though I had some kind of right to "this" or to "that". When in reality I have none... "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners."(Romans 5:8)