Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 2

The torch declaring independence from Spain for all Central America

This has been a super full week!!! On Thursday Costa Rica celebrated its independence from Spain. At 6 p.m. on Wednesday the whole country stopped whatever they were doing and sang the national anthem. Everyone had Thursday off so some friends and I celebrated by hiking to a few waterfalls.

On Wednesdays Joni and I meet with a small group of college girls, Rene, Christy, Kenzie & Michaela. We will be memorizing Proverbs 31 and studying Ruth together. Please keep these girls in your prayers as they are here for the school year to study God's word and do ministry.

Finally, one evening this week Jon and I were chatting when suddenly I remember some people from the States had given me money to give to our friend Eduardo. When I told Jon, he paused and looked at me surprised and excited, "Ready?" "Yes!" "I need any money you have for him. How much is it?!?" As it turns out Eduardo had a bill due the next day for the exact amount that I had for him. Eduardo, being a man of faith, told Jon earlier that week about the bill and said he wasn't worried because he knew the Lord would provide. Thank you for those who gave to him, you were more of a blessing than you will ever know.

Provision for Eduardo
The girls in our Bible Study
Making new friends
Serving with the McGinnis Family - I am so grateful for them
Feeling confident enough in Spanish to walk to the markets by myself

For God's grace
The small group on Wednesdays
Learning Spanish
Getting all my homework done
The McGinnis Family as they start their Fall routine

Pastor Eduardo & I
Meghan & I in the street singing the anthem
The waterfall (it is much bigger than it looks :)
The hiking crew


  1. Praise the Lord! Proud of you, Bekah! Romans 10:1

  2. Praise the Lord! Proud of you, Bekah! Romans 10:1
