Friday, January 2, 2015

Out of the Woods

Hey Friends!

What a semester it has been! (and that is an under statement). This semester I have been mostly living in the back country with 9 other students and 2 proctors. We formed a very unlikely and united family. Over the period of about 13 weeks the 12 of us did so much together and spent almost every minute with each other.
Let's take a look at what we did this semester.

Our first section was Backpacking:

Just girls :)

All of the students

Fish Hatchery, our final destination

Whitewater training and guiding:

Learning how to guide the river

We had a lot of fun...

...even though the temperature dropped into the low 40s at one point

Rock climbing:
Table Rock, NC

That was the day that we climbed to the top of a MOUNTAIN!!!

I still can't believe we did it! It was so amazing and beautiful!

Cora walked into a rock that was at head level, oops

Night Climbing!!!!

Wilderness First Responder:

Fake injuries can be fun unless...

... in a litter. It was all for education and because I was the smallest person in the class

Sea Kayaking (one of my favorite sections):

We saw all kinds of animals; dolphins, sea turtles, raccoons, fish, sharks and more

The tide was interrupting our dinner plans

A beautiful sunrise on our last morning
We went on a mission trip to Emmanuel Orphanage in Honduras and our main job was to spend time loving on the kids. Some of the ways we did this was by playing with the kids (often soccer), tag, "throw me in the air until your arms fall off", talking with the older ones, playing paint ball, using a zip-line, and our Snowbird team built a three man swing for them.

The three man being tested for the first time

The first Hondurans on the swing

Paintball with the older girls :)


We had such a wonderful time in Honduras and through out the whole semester. I hope you enjoyed the picture blog. Next and hopefully very soon I will post about my experience at OLD School and the things I learned through out the semester.

Happy New Year! :)

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous picture blog! Looks like you had an incredible experience with fellowship, sport, survival and nature! Thanks for sharing these great memories.
